Mycotrol ESO

SKU: 120835


BioWorks Mycotrol ESO offers the same superior quality as its counterpart, Mycotrol WPO, but in a liquid emulsifiable suspension formula. The BioWorks Mycotrol products have the highest spore concentration in a Beauveria bassiana-containing insecticide, giving you exceptional insect control that exceeds or equals any that you will see from a chemical insecticide.

The fungal spores attack the host insect through its cuticle, or skin. They adhere themselves to the cuticle and then begin producing an enzyme that breaks it down, allowing them to penetrate into the insect's body and killing it. The dying insect will change color to pink or brown and its body cavity will fill with a white fungal mass. You will know Mycotrol is working when you see the color change in the insects; seeing the white fungal growth is not necessary as the insect is already dead when this appears. You can use this product with most beneficial insects; it will not harm them. With the wide range of crops and sites that this product can be used on, and the fact that it is effective in all stages of an insect's life span, you will find Mycotrol ESO to be convenient and cost effective. This product can be used up to the day of harvest and has a 4-hour REI (Restricted Entry Interval), which is just about the length of time for the product to dry on a plant.

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